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Post 09 Aug 2017, 3:12 pm

Gresil stretches the chase pack, Bauska keeps his 5 space lead.

Turn 26 summary:
Bauska puts most of the straightaway behind him at 160. Miller finishes Gresil at 160, wear already paid, and goes back to sole possession of P2. Tatum is around the 140s for already paid wear and keeps on Miller's wing. Kennington uses his inside advantage at 160 shedding one wear around the outside of Gresil and falling in line behind Tatum.

Mossman keeps up with the dark blue machine also dropping one wear in the 140s at 160. Incorpora slows slightly as he enters the 140s at speed. Ling follows in his tire tracks for free. Linneberg keeps the pedal down and prepares to enter Gresil.

Welage turns the horses loose at 180 down the straightaway. Blizzard make a two skill roll for acceleration (modified 6) and gets 160 and a double slip from the speedy Welage to pull even with him. Rando maxes out at 160 but loses touch with the pair in front of him. Hancock saves some rubber, slowing to 80 around Samson.

Next deadline: turn 27 due Friday, August 11 at 6pm EDT/10pm UTC
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Post 11 Aug 2017, 3:26 pm

A fairly quiet turn except for the rubber burned off in Gresil.

Turn 27 summary:
Bauska slows to a safe 120 taking La Scierie in the middle lane for free. Kal reaches the corner on the inside at 140. Tatum at 160 pulls alongside the orange machine. Kennington lets loose with a 180 move to make it three wide.

Mossman holds 160 and chooses to line up behind the outer car. Incorpora finishes Gresil's 140s at speed and ducks inside. Ling does the same staying on Incorpora's tail. Linneberg starts the wear-fest in the corner shedding one in the 120s to pull even with Ling.

Welage keeps his foot in it at 180 scrubbing off two wear in the 140s. Blizzard maxes at 160 but keeps pace by dropping two wear in the 120s. Rando leaves his mark in the 120s at 160 at a cost of two wear. Hancock gives it all the acceleration he has down the straightaway.

Next deadline: turn 28 due Monday, August 14 at 6pm EDT/10pm UTC
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Post 12 Aug 2017, 4:45 am

Ling fastest for second consecutive sector
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Post 14 Aug 2017, 3:26 pm

A roar from the crowd as the red machine makes a bold move from P5 to P2!

Turn 28 summary:
Bauska saves his wear in the Paradis 120s at speed. Tatum is first through La Scierie at 120 finishing inside. Kennington follows with the same plot to keep pace. Miller plots 100 through the 100s and keeps the three wide intact, albeit losing two positions (for a brief moment).

Mossman plots 120 and gets a slip from Kennington. He dives to the inside of the corner shedding 1w and uses 1s to force his way past the running three-car battle and into second place. Incorpora approaches La Scierie at 160 on the inside. Ling lets the horses out to 180 and pulls even with the black machine. Linneberg is NPR so his move is 140 and he hangs on the outside.

Welage finishes Gresil at 180 for already paid wear and keeps on the inside. Blizzard finishes the inside of the corner at 160 and keeps on the green car's wing. Rando also finishes the inside of the corner and hangs two car lengths back. Hancock opens up to 180 scrubbing off two wear in the Gresil 140s.

Next deadline: turn 29 due Wednesday, August 16 at 6pm EDT/10pm UTC
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Post 16 Aug 2017, 2:58 pm

A spin on La Scierie causes a bit of a jam.

Turn 29 summary:
Bauska maintains 120 on the inside. Mossman does 120 through Paradis for free and settles inside also. Kennington plots 140 to come out of the three wide first. He then brakes to 120 (naked 8) and takes the middle lane at speed. Tatum has the inside advantage next and covers the outside of the corner at 120 for no cost then pulls down by the red car with a slip.

Miller plots 120 and saves his tires around the outside of the corner. Incorpora negotiates La Scierie at 120 through the middle lane for free. Ling makes the same move to stay beside the black car. Linneberg attempts to make up some ground at 140 through the 100s. After scrubbing off one wear he makes a naked chance roll (9) and spins.

Welage at 120 wanted the inside lane but is forced to go around the spinning Linneberg. Blizzard gets a slip off Welage and goes wide in the corner at 120. Rando makes up some ground at 160 into the middle 120s. Hancock keeps the pedal down roaring out of Gresil still at 180.

Next deadline: turn 30 due Friday, August 18 at 6pm EDT/10pm UTC
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Post 18 Aug 2017, 2:47 pm

The chase pack forms up just three car lengths behind the leader as the white flag flies.

Turn 30 summary:
Bauska gets to 160 and heads around the bend. Mossman and Tatum cross the line side by side at 160. Kennington gets out to 180 to make it three wide..

Miller comes off Paradis at 160 and sits right behind the line of cars. Incorpora and Ling keep in formation each clearing Paradis at 120 for free. Blizzard and Welage also move in unison at 120 out of La Scierie.

Rando already paid for 160 in La Scierie and as he flies out of the corner he is able to pass Welage and Blizzard. Linneberg recovers from his spin and 60 and keeps to the inside. Hancock hits the approach to La Scierie at 140.

Next deadline: turn 31 due Monday, August 21 at 6pm EDT/10pm UTC
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Post 21 Aug 2017, 3:22 pm

Bauska's lead shrinks, Kennington's brakes smoke.

Turn 31 summary:
Bauska runs into the corner at a safe 120. Kennington plots 180 to come out of the three wide first, but then he has to brake (naked 12) to keep from going into the corner. His brakes let out a cautionary groan and puff of smoke. Mossman and Tatum both plot 160 and use the long way around the kink to keep it three wide.

Ling comes out of Paradis at 180 and drives down inside. Incorpora, at 160, follows and stays on his tailpipe. Rando scrubs off one wear in the Paradis 100s at 120 and sticks to the inside. Welage gives up two wear at 160 around the 120s finishing even with Rando.

Blizzard conserves wear at 120 through the 120s but a slip allows him to keep pace. Linneberg gets up to 120, knocking off one wear in the 100s. Hancock takes the La Scierie middle lane for free at 120.

Next deadline: turn 32 due Wednesday, August 23 at 6pm EDT/10pm UTC
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Post 23 Aug 2017, 3:03 pm

The lead disappears, the dice are barely friendly.

Turn 32 summary:
Bauska finishes the 120s at speed and keeps to the inside. Tatum is first of the foursome through the corner, dropping one wear in the 120s at 140 and grabbing the yellow car's wing. Kennington on bald tires slows to 120 for the corner. Mossman also slows to 120 to stay even with Kennington.

Miller does 100 through the 100s for free and keeps touch with the blue machine. Ling sets up for the corner on the inside at 140. Incorpora plots 160 and lines up next to Ling ready to take the corner as well. Welage tests his power plant as he pushes for 200mph with two skill (modified 9, phew!) and is able to break clear of the two cars behind him.

Rando maxes his engine at 160 and keeps on the inside. Blizzard plots 140 and with the slip is able to stay on Rando's tailpipe. Linneberg opens his throttle all the way to 180 and makes up a space on the duo in front of him. Hancock clears the Paradis 120s at speed conserving his tires.

Next deadline: turn 33 due Friday, August 25 at 6pm EDT/10pm UTC
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Post 25 Aug 2017, 3:06 pm

The lead pack negotiates Six Freres and heads towards the hairpin.

Turn 33 summary:
Bauska and Tatum round Six Freres in lockstep at 100 through the 100s. Kennington choses the outer lane at 120 for free. Mossman wanted the same lane but must move inside. A one skill late brake roll (modified 7) allows him to hold on to the last of his wear.

Miller takes the outside at 120 for free but will lose touch with the leaders next turn as he does not clear the corner. Incorpora takes P6 in the see-saw battle with Ling by dropping one wear in the 120s at 140 and chooses to finish outside. Ling takes the 120s at speed. Welage joins the two in front of him by shedding one wear in the 120s at 140.

Rando runs into the 120s at 140 scrubbing off one wear. Blizzard takes the slip from Rando to run the 120s at a safe 120. Linneberg hits the approach to the corner at 140 while Hancock gives the main stretch fans a thrill as he roars down at 180.

Next deadline: turn 34 due Monday, August 28 at 6pm EDT/10pm UTC
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Post 25 Aug 2017, 3:16 pm

Bauska had a good lead at the line...that is "had".
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Post 28 Aug 2017, 3:15 pm

As expected, things get tight all around the track. Two NPRs, one rather benign but one hurts a lot.

Turn 34 summary:
Bauska hits the approach to Nouveau Monde at 100 keeping on the inside. Tatum pulls even with the leader at 120 in the middle lane. Mossman comes out of Six Freres at 120 and grabs the wing of the leader. Kennington's NPR plot is 80 and he slides to the outside.

Miller holds 120 out of the corner and takes advantage of the dark blue car's slow run to take P4 two car lengths off the lead. Incorpora rounds Six Freres on the outside at 120 for free. Ling plots 100 and denies Welage the slip as he clears the corner on the inside. Welage at 120 moves outside for the corner at no cost.

Rando flies into Freres at 140 on the inside smoking two wear off of his tires. Blizzard hits the approach to the corner at 120 on the inside. Linneberg's NPR plot takes him through the middle 120s at speed. Hancock slows to 140 keeping a neutral position for next turn's move through the corner.

Next deadline: turn 35 due Wednesday, August 30 at 6pm EDT/10pm UTC
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Post 30 Aug 2017, 3:19 pm

Of the top five cars only Tatum has any rubber left (one point). P6-P9 have 8, 8, 7 & 9 respectively. This is shaping up to be a heckuva finish.

Turn 35 summary:
Bauska burns off the rest of his tread in Nouveau Monde at 80 around the inner 40s. Tatum tests his brakes (one skill, modified 4) to get to 60 and loses one wear in the inner 40, choosing to finish in the middle lane. Mossman also hits the brakes hard (one skill, modified 6) and sheds the last of his rubber in the inner 40s. Miller wears out his tires in the outer lane at 80.

Kennington is back under control although that last turn hurt him. He hits the approach to Monde at 60 on the inside. Incorpora does 120 to pull even with Kennington. Ling at 140 makes it three wide entering the hairpin. Rando finishes the corner at 140 and sits behind the threesome on the inside.

Welage comes out of Six Freres 120s and loses a spot to Rando. Blizzard stays safe in the Freres 100s at speed. Linneberg leaves half of his remaining wear in the 100s at 120 and grabs the wing of the purple machine. Hancock slows to 120 and stays safe in the middle 120s.

Next deadline: turn 36 due Friday, September 1 at 6pm EDT/10pm UTC
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Post 01 Sep 2017, 3:31 pm

A challenge for the lead while Nouveau Monde bunches up the pack.

Turn 36 summary:
Bauska covers the straightaway at 140 and stays inside. Tatum asks his engine for a little more zip and it responds (0 skill, modified 6) as he gets to 140 and pulls even with the leader. Mossman also looks to his engine for a little help and receives it (0 skill, modified 6) as he sits comfortably in P3. Miller finishes Monde at 80 and dives inside.

Ling is first into the corner at 100 shedding two wear in the 60s and heading for the inside. Incorpora also drops two wear at 80 through the middle 40s and drops inside of Ling. Kennington on bald tires slows to 40 and takes the inner 40s for free. Rando clears the corner on the outside at 100 scrubbing off two wear.

Welage wanted the inside at 80 but with Kennington sitting at the exit he opts to go wide for one wear and saves one. Blizzard sets up at the entrance to Monde at 100 on the inside. Linneberg also does 100 looking for a slip but Blizzard was too slow to accommodate him. Hancock clears Six Freres on the outside at 120 for free.

Next deadline: turn 36 due (soft) Monday, September 4 at 6pm EDT/10pm UTC
or (hard) Wednesday, September 6 at 6pm EDT/10pm UTC

(Note the soft deadline as it is a 3-day holiday weekend in the US and Canada)
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Post 04 Sep 2017, 5:22 am

The cars with rubber on their tires make big moves while one car flies off the track in flames.

Turn 37 summary:
Tatum uses the last of his tires at 100 around the inner 80s and takes the lead. Bauska's tires already gone, he slows to 80 and keeps on Tatum's tailpipe. Mossman's lead over P4 disappears as he hits the inner 80s at speed. Miller's 40 acceleration isn't quite strong enough to get him to the corner.

Incorpora uses two skill to coax a little more jump out of his engine (modified 8). He passes Miller at 160 and ducks inside. Ling hits 160 also, keeping up with the black car. Rando also comes out of the hairpin at 160 settling on the outside behind Ling. Kennington is out of skill but he pushes his acceleration anyway (naked 6) and, with a slip from Incorpora is able to keep in touch with the chase pack.

Welage finishes the 60s at 80 for already paid wear and moves inside. Blizzard sheds one wear in the inner 40s of Monde at 60 and grabs the wing of Welage's race car. Linneberg attempts the inside 40s at 60 with a naked chance roll (12) but his tires just won't do it as he goes sailing off the track. (He exits the car and sprints for safety). Hancock covers the straightaway to Monde at 140 ready to enter the corner.

Next deadline: turn 38 due Wednesday, September 6 at 6pm EDT/10pm UTC
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Post 06 Sep 2017, 2:59 pm

The chase pack makes up a little more ground on the leaders.

Turn 38 summary:
Tatum rounds Samson at 80 for free and starts for the inside. Bauska plots 100 then uses his final skill to get back to 80 (modified 8) and follows Tatum through the corner. Mossman is locked at 80 as he keeps to the inside. Incorpora scrubs off two wear in the inside 80s of D132 and grabs P3.

Ling sheds one wear around the corner finishing alongside Mossman. Rando overworks his brakes to get to 100 and they hold (modified 8). He drops one wear on the inside and chooses to keep on the wing of the green machine. Miller slows to 80 for the corner and gets a slip from Incorpora to slide inside of Rando and maintain P6.

Welage covers the straightaway at 140 and reaches the entrance to the corner. Blizzard at 120 gets a slip and stays with Welage. Hancock knocks off two wear in the hairpin inner 40s at 80.

Next deadline: turn 39 due Friday, September 8 at 6pm EDT/10pm UTC
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