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Post 25 Jul 2017, 9:56 am

Turn 20

Quite a pack coming into the Nouveau Monde!

Cody gets initiative at 100 and spends 2W around the outside of Monde, ending in the middle lane
Will K rips around the inside of Monde, scraping 2W off of the tires but edging Cody
Tim B wants to do the same thing as Will K, but with no room he must take the middle lane to bleed off speed and keeps 2nd place, but a space back of Will

Turkyo and Simone both cruise the straight at 100, and Jim makes up the gap at 120 for a 3-wide coming into the corner
Fabio, Jeff H and Marshall fill the next row 3-wide as well with 120, 120, and 140 from Marshall
Mike P takes Freres for free at 120
Chsris and Doug take D132 at 120

Good luck at the WBC for those participating!

Turn 21 due Friday, 28JUL17 at 4PM
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Post 28 Jul 2017, 10:35 am

Turn 21

We have a new leader!!!

Will K rolls down the straightaway at 120, maxing his engine, only to see a purple blur to his right!
Cody roars his engine to 160 and passes Will for the lead!
Tim B matches Will at 120, but with the slip pulls alongside.

Turkyo wraps around the inner lane at 80 (2W)
Simone cuts off Jim to take the outside at 100 (2W), ending in lane 2, and Jim cuts inside to take lane 1 at 80 (2W), thus moving up a spot.
Marshall continues his torrid pace through Monde at 100 outer lane (2W)
Fabio orders 80 in the 40s for 2W and is forced to the middle lane
Jeff H also orders 80, but slams on the brakes when there is no room (Modified 3 with 2S), cutting to the inside.
Mike cruises the straightaway at 140, Thanking himself for not being in the middle of Monde pack of drivers
Chris takes the inside at 100, and Doug takes the outside for 120

Turn 22 due 4PM Monday, 31JUL17

Please let me know if there are any errors... Interesting turn indeed!
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Post 31 Jul 2017, 10:43 am

Turn 22

Marshall makes it onto the big leaderboard

Cody takes the corner at 100 (1W) for a wear.
Tim B takes the same corner at 120 (2W) to pull alongside the purple car
Will K wants a slip, but Cody's speed precludes that, and he sits behind the Purple car again (1W)

Turkyo roars down the backstretch at 140, pulling Jim O with him.
Jim gets the slip, giving a thank you nod to the speedy Black car, and pulls even at 140
Simone can only go 140 and sit on Turkyo's wing
Fabio and Marshall both take the speed to 140, and Jeff falls off at 120 to sit at the end of the pack

Mike take Monde at 80 (2W) struggles to regain contact
Chris L preps for Monde and controls his speed at 140
Doug S only goes 120 and is still in last position

Please let me know if any errors or omissions
Turn 23 due 4PM Pacific, Wednesday 2AUG17
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Post 01 Aug 2017, 3:57 am

Marshall and Cody cover the field this sector
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Post 02 Aug 2017, 9:49 am

Turn 23
A new leader! 3-wide racing! A chain develops in the back!

Cody orders the same as last time at 100mph and spending a wear
Tim B takes the same corner at 120 for 2W and slides in front to the Welch's Grape Juice Car
Will K conserves his wear and takes his ride to the end of the corner at 80, but loses contact with Cody
Turkyo and Jim both spend 1W at 100 and end up side by side again
Simone spends 2W to come around the outside of Jim and Turkyo at 120mph
Fabio gets the slip from Simone and can keep contact for only 1W at 100mph
Marshall does not get that benefit and drops back behind Hershey's Milk Chocolate Car at 100 for 1W
Jeff H saves his wear also and enters the 890 corner
Mike speeds up to 140 and is close to getting back into the peleton!
Chris and Doug both spend 2W, going 80, to take the inside of Monde and stay nose to tail

Turn 24 due 4PM Pacific 4AUG17. I will adjudicate early if all orders are in.
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Post 04 Aug 2017, 12:42 pm

Turn 24

Lots of tire marks in Sampson
Leaders extend the gap
Trail groups begin to work together

Tim B and Cody both extend the lead group's gap with 160mph ordered, and Cody getting the slip
Will K maxes out his acceleration and gets to 120mph

Turkyo and Simone both go 120 through Sampson for 2W each, and reach the chokepoint before Jim
Jim cautiously orders 100 for 1W and sits behind Turkyo
Fabio gets the slip from Turkyo and orders 100 for 1W, pulling up next to the blue car
Marshall orders 100 with a slip, but Fabio does not give the favor, and Marshall sits at the end of the corner and loses contact.

Jeff H continues his 80 trough the curve, followed by Mike P, both for 0W used.
Chris L orders 140, and pulls Doug S along the backstretch with 120 and a slip

Turn 25 due Monday, 7AUG17 at 4PM. I will adjudicate early if all orders are in
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Post 05 Aug 2017, 7:39 am

Jim, 2 points, should now be at 6
Turyko, 2 points, should now be at 6
Jeff, 1 point, should now be at 10
Simone, 2 points, should now be at 5
Fabio, 2 points, should now be at 8
Marshall, 2 points, should now be at 5

My excel spreadsheet crashed between turn 22 and 24, reverting to a previous version. This appears right
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Post 07 Aug 2017, 8:49 pm

Turn 25

The lead changes back, but for how long?

Cody and Tim both order 140, but different intentions. Cody cuts to the inside and burns his last wear
Tim takes the outside for free
Will maxes his speed at 160
The "gang of 4" all order 160 and keep their position on the track. They have been nominated for the "best synchronized driving" award
Marshall speeds up to 140 and loses one space
Jeff and Mike both order 80
Chris leaves his driving buddy and orders 120 for 2W, while Doug orders 80 without a slip.

Turn 26 due Wednesday at 4PM Pacific 9AUG17
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Post 09 Aug 2017, 10:04 pm

Turn 26

The leader has no tread!

Cody continues his 140 and tried to shake Tim B by ordering Lane 3
Tim B continues his 140 and orders the position to follow Cody and sits on his wing
Will K sees the mini-breakaway and orders 160 on the inside lane for a 2W penalty and comes close to the leaders
Turkyo orders 160 in the 140 (1W) and sits on the outside
Simone chooses to not use wear, and follows behind Turkyo
Jim takes his sllip and spends a wear at 140 to slide past Simone and take 5th
Fabio plays it cautiously at 140, but keeps contact with Simone's tailpipe
Marshall gets to use his big engine and revs it to 180 and sits behind the pack
Jeff H takes a chance, and rolls for over-acceleration to 160 and is successful with a 7. Mike takes the slip behind him at 140 and maintains the chain.
Chris L and Doug S both spend 2W at the inside lanes by taking 120 through the 80s.

Sorry for the delay, Had a "Honey-do" project to finish.
Turn 27 due 4PM Pacific 11AUG17 or earlier if all orders are received..
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Post 11 Aug 2017, 8:13 pm

Turn 27

From a pack to a chain!

Cody orders 140 and preps for the corner
Tim B refuses the slip and takes 160 to come alongside Cody
Will K speed down the straightaway at 160
Turyko comes out of the corner at 160 and takes point of the 4 cars
Jim, Simone, and Fabio order 140 to finish the chain
Marshall takes the outside at 140 and readies for the straightaway
Jeff H races to Gresil and takes the outside lane at 140 for 1W
Mike, seeing an opportunity, takes it to 160 (2W) with the slip and cuts inside of Jeff H for 9th
Chris speeds to 180 with a top speed roll of a 4
Doug takes it to 160

Turn 28 due Monday at 4PM Pacific 14AUG17
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Post 12 Aug 2017, 4:42 am

Chris leads the board for sector 2
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Post 14 Aug 2017, 3:56 pm

Turn 28

The chain becomes a pack again! (Quite the amorphous bunch!)

Cody , Tim B and Will K all take the corner at 120 with no change of position.
Turyko and Jim both take the straightaway at 140 and enter the corner for a cost of 1W each, and Jim gets a slip
Simone rolls at 160, and sits outside the corner
Fabio follows dutifully behind, getting a slip and finishing on the left wheel of Simone
Marshall roars that big engine down the straight at 180
Mike P and Jeff H finish the corner 1t 160, but Jeff is wide on Greisel and cuts inside, while Mike shoots outside
Chris L and Doug S both enter Greisel at 160 and spend the 2W to try to make up ground

Turn 29 due Wednesday, 16AUG17 at 4PM Pacific or earlier if all orders are in.
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Post 16 Aug 2017, 3:50 pm

Turn 29

Hand in hand the leaders prance through the corners!

Cody orders 100, inside lane, and Tim B orders 120 on the middle lane, hence the stay side by side
Will K orders 120 on the outside

Turyko and Jim O both maintain their 140mph and side side by side as well.
Fabio orders 140 for 1W through the La Sciere corner, keeping up with Jim and Turyko
Simone sits back at 120 and holds the rear wing of Fabio
Marshall spends the 1W by cornering at 140 in the 120s and pulling next to Simone
Mike spends 2W to enter the La Sciere corner at 160 and Jeff H orders 160 but does not enter the corner
Chris and Doug both maintain 160 down the straightaway

Turn 30 due 18AUG17 at 4PM Pacific or earlier if all orders are in!
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Post 17 Aug 2017, 3:35 pm

Turn 30

Great turn around on orders! This will help a couple of drivers getting an early start on the travels for the eclipse!

Cody and Tim continue their do-se-do at 160 each crossing the start/finish line for lap #3!
Will K continues his 120 around the curve and cuts to the inside
Turyko and Jim both order the conservative 120 through the middle lane and sit one space behind Will K
Fabio orders 120 with a slip, cuts around the cautious cars and moves to the middle lane in the void between Will K and Jim/Turyko! What a move!
Simone and Marshall vie for initiative, and Marshall takes it with his 140, spending a wear on the middle lane and cutting inside of Simone.
Simone conserves his wear with a slip and the calm 120 through the middle lane.
Mike P roars 160 through the La Scierie corner and makes up some distance on the burgeoning pack behind the leaders.
Jeff rolls through the corner at 120
Chris spends 2 of his precious wear and gains contact on Jeff H with a 160 through the 120s
Doug P spends 2W also and enters La Scierie

Turn 31 Due Monday 21AUG17 at 4PM Pacific or earlier if all orders are in.

Go see the eclipse! I remember 40 years ago seeing my first one. Wonderful experience!
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Post 21 Aug 2017, 9:03 pm

Turn 31

Cody and Tim B order 160 and prepare to enter the corner
Will K, Fabio, Turyko and Jim also order 160 and sit at the slight bend of the straightaway
Marshall wants a slip, but overspeeds the preceding car by roaring 180.
Simone wants a slip also, but his 160 leaves no room for that slip to get into the three-way ahead

Mike P orders 160, spending 2W in the corner.
Jeff cautiously orders 100 while Chris orders 140 for 1W and takes the middle lane siding next to Jeff
Doug S maintains his 160

I will be having shoulder surgery on Thursday, but will attempt to type with 1 arm on Friday.

Turn 32 due Wednesday at 4PM Pacific

Daughter's soccer practice started today... Delays, delays, delays!
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