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Post 31 Mar 2017, 4:43 pm

The two leaders get gone but there is only 3 spaces between 3rd (Brad) and 8th (Kal)

Next deadline: turn 25 due Monday, April 3 at 6pm EDT/10pm UTC

Turn 24 summary:
Jeff uses his 3s chip to get to 160 (modified 4). William hits his injured engine's top of 160 to stay right with Jeff. Brad hangs in there in P3 covering the Tunnel 120s at speed. Cody plots 140 to gain the initiative on Simone but then attempts to late brake in order to get behind Brad for a slip (modified 11). His brakes protest the move, but unless they fail completely how bad will that hurt him in the final half lap?

Simone, meanwhile, plots 120 around the Tunnel outside lane and with a slip from Brad pulls alongside him and maintains P4. Will sheds one wear in the Tunnel 120s at 140 and makes it 2x2 in the chase pack. Grant scrubs off one wear in the Tunnel 100 at 120 and is primed to come out right with the four in front of him. Kal runs S2 at 140 for one wear and sets up for the Tunnel corner.

Ken comes out of S1 and takes S2 at 120 finishing inside. Chris also plots 120 knocking off one of his massive store of wear to stay right on the yellow racecar's wing. Tim makes up a little ground by attacking the main straightaway at 160.
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Post 31 Mar 2017, 4:49 pm

Not a surprise Kal has lots of green in his row.
WG C2 summary.png
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Post 03 Apr 2017, 3:58 pm

A shake up in the chase pack as Will and Cody both attempt forced passes. One of them succeeds.

Next deadline: turn 26 due Wednesday, April 5 at 6pm EDT/10pm UTC

Turn 25 summary:
Jeff runs into the Carousel at 160 on the outside burning two of his remaining three wear. William plots 140 and with a slip from Jeff is able to stay with him, scrubbing off one wear and leaving them both with one left. Brad and Simone drag race down the backstretch both at 180 and both blocking a pass.

(RM note: Both Cody and Will plotted a forced pass and neither specified whom they would pass. Since I could not find a rule, I went with lanes; Cody attempting against Brad and Will against Simone. However, it turned out to not matter in this case since I erred on the dice rolls. I have always been using just the two dice total when rolling. So there is no way to tell if a 3 or 4 came up. Re-rolling would be unfair to someone unless the results miraculously came out the same. So since it was my mistake I will assume there were no 3s or 4s. In the future I will split all rolls just to keep things consistent.)

Both Cody and Will plot 180 with a pass attempt (both receiving two slip spaces). Cody rolls a naked 8 and fails. He's forced to brake to 140, using his last two wear. Will uses one skill and passes (modified 5) picking up three positions with the move. Grant comes out of the Tunnel at 160 and keeps to the inside. (No slip since Cody ultimately did 140). Kal rounds the Tunnel 120s at 160 shedding two wear.

Ken conserves his tires taking the Tunnel 100 at speed. Chris scrubs off one wear in the same corner space at 120 to finish alongside Ken. Tim motors through the Esses at 120, leaving one wear in the 100 space of S1.
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Post 05 Apr 2017, 3:22 pm

3rd-6th are stuck in the Carousel while 7th and 8th are poised to pounce on them.

Next deadline: turn 27 due Friday, April 7 at 6pm EDT/10pm UTC

Turn 26 summary:
Jeff finishes the Carousel at 160 and holds the inside. William completes the inside of the same corner and hangs on to Jeff's tail. Will drives hard into the Carousel 100s at 140 knocking off two wear. Simone uses his wear advantage to get the jump on Brad as he enters the Carousel 120s at 140 scrubbing off one wear but taking over P4.

Brad follows into the 120s nursing his bald tires. Cody does the same. Grant sets up to run the corner with a 140 move down the straight. Kal again opens up his big engine to reach the Carousel at 180.

Ken and Chris drag race down the back straight at 160. Tim sheds one wear on the Tunnel 100 at 120.
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Post 05 Apr 2017, 3:25 pm

Tim leads the sector trying to make up some ground.
WG C2 summary.png
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Post 07 Apr 2017, 3:32 pm

Here's the overview of the promotion cut line:
If William passes Jeff, Brad moves off of the promotion list, replaced by William, regardless of what else happens.
If William does not pass Jeff and anyone passes Brad, Brad moves off of the promotion list, replaced by Cody.
If Cody has moved up on the list due to Brad being passed but Kal passes Cody, Cody moves off of the promotion list, replaced by William.
Jeff and Simone are locked.
Will is all but mathematically locked assuming he finishes.

Next deadline: turn 28 due Monday, April 10 at 6pm EDT/10pm UTC

Turn 27 summary:
Jeff maxes his engine at 160 down the chute. William does the same and with a slip from Jeff pulls up next to him. Will, Simone, Brad and Cody all finish the Carousel and get stretched out, except Cody is able to keep on Brad's tailpipe.

Grant sheds two wear in the Carousel 100s at 140 and picks up P6 from Cody. Kal takes the outside lane at a safe 120 and is eligible to draft Cody next turn.

Ken runs into the Carousel 120s at 140 shedding one wear. Chris also lets go of one wear at 120 in the 100s. Tim takes an RM plot doing 140 down the back stretch.
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Post 10 Apr 2017, 3:37 pm

The mid-pack tightens right up with only four more corners for them to negotiate.

Next deadline: turn 29 due Wednesday, April 12 at 6pm EDT/10pm UTC

Turn 28 summary:
Jeff and William both approach Big Bend at 120, Jeff with the advantage takes the racing line, William is NPR and is placed inside. Will gets to the Kink at 140. Simone at 180 gets there too, pulling next to Will.

Brad also runs the chute at 180 keeping inside. Grant maxes out at 160 but is able to grab the wing of the brown racecar. Cody plots 180 and gets two slip spaces from Brad, propelling him passed both Brad and Grant and into P5. (Not to mention into a promotion spot.) Kal tests his engine again at 200 (modified 9) and catches up to Grant.

Ken slows to 120 and exits the Carousel, keeping to the inside. Chris slows to 100 and also exits the corner, lining up right behind Ken. Tim does 140 into the Carousel 120s shedding one wear.
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Post 12 Apr 2017, 3:45 pm

Three of six mid-pack cars on bald tires. Jeff definitely looking good for the win as William is also out of tires.

Next deadline: turn 30 due Friday, April 14 at 6pm EDT/10pm UTC

Turn 29 summary:
William moves first with the inside advantage but without the racing line moves around the 80s and dives back inside. Jeff also does 80 but he has the line giving him a space advantage. He also has one wear point left. Will finishes his wear on the Big Bend line at 120 but is now cleanly in P3. Simone is NPR so he must slow to 100 to avoid going into Big Bend. He is placed inside to prevent him from blocking the racing line.

Cody slows to 120 testing his already damaged brakes (modified 0) and grabs the line outside of Simone. Brad can only do 120 around the Kink since he's already been out of tires for quite some time. He gets the line behind Cody. Kal wanted 160 but there's a little sheet metal saying "that's not happening" so he late brakes to 140 (roll 9) and finishes inside of Brad to take P6 from him. Grant plots 120 and has just enough room to complete that move. He also loses a spot to Kal.

Ken runs the chute at 180 staying inside. Chris maxes his engine at 160 but with the 2 space slip from Ken is able to pull up next to him. Tim finishes the Carousel at 140 for already paid wear and keeps inside.
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Post 14 Apr 2017, 5:01 pm

The promotion list is pretty well set, but the relegation side is yet to be decided.

Next deadline: turn 31 due Monday, April 17 at 6pm EDT/10pm UTC

Turn 30 summary:
Jeff hits The 90 on the outside at 120 and uses what was left of his tires. The move virtually assures him of the win. William grabs The 90 racing line but with no rubber left. Will finishes the Big Bend line, slides around Little Bend and keeps to the inside. Simone gets the initiative on Cody and uses three skill on the chance table (modified 3) to take the Big Bend 60. Cody rounds Big Bend on the line at 80 to keep beside Simone.

Kal moves before Brad and takes the outside of Big Bend for one wear finishing on the racing line. Brad plots 100 and tries to go around the Big Bend 80s. His bald tires fail him (0 skill chance roll of 10) and off the track he goes. Grant wants the racing line at 100 but with Kal blocking is forced around the 80s dropping one wear. He manages to avoid the crashing brown machine with two skill and a minus two from the table for a modified 0.

Chris plots 160 to get the jump on Ken and uses a three skill roll to late brake (automatic). He sheds one wear in the Kink and starts the Big Bend line. Ken plots 140 also leaving one wear point in the Kink and finishing inside of Chris. (If Chris, who has a two point wear advantage, can finish ahead of Ken, then Chris will remain in C2 and Ken will be relegated.) Tim continues down the chute at 140.
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Post 16 Apr 2017, 5:55 am

Here are the RROC point standings as of today. Invitees are the three circuit champions followed by the three highest point non-champion drivers.
RROC standings.png
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Post 17 Apr 2017, 3:47 pm

Jeff brings home the win. (Note: That car has now won 4 of the last 6 C2 races.) William grabs second and, barring a major failure, Will will bring home third. Meanwhile Kal tries for P4 and Ken and Chris still battling.

Next deadline: turn 32 due Wednesday, April, 19 at 6pm EDT/10pm UTC (5pm Jamaica time)

Turn 31 summary:
Jeff finishes The 90 at 120 for already paid wear and takes the checkered flag. William cruises around The 90 racing line to bring home second place. Will takes the line right behind him and eyes P3. Simone gets the jump on Cody with a 120 plot and sheds his last wear in the 100s.

Cody does 100 and grabs the racing line. Kal goes for fourth by plotting 120, taking a slip from Simone, and dropping his last wear and skill in the corner. The dice are not so enthusiastic about that move and give him a modified 7. He ends up looking at Simone speeding by. Grant sheds one wear in Little Bend at 140 and salivates as he reaches The 90 and sees the orange car spinning. (If Grant can finish ahead of Kal he moves above the relegation line for now)

Ken has inside advantage on Chris, they both plot 120, Ken scrubs off two wear in the Big Bend 80s. Chris, though, has the racing line and also sheds two wear in the corner and is able to make the pass on Ken. Tim leaves one wear in the Kink as he approaches Big Bend.

Brad gets a little help from a corner worker as he rips off his helmet and throws it down in disgust. 'Mater tows his tireless racecar to the garage.

(Note: Brad is still shown in 10th with Tim in 11th since Tim has not yet passed the point where Brad spun.)
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Post 19 Apr 2017, 4:00 pm

One NPR flips P4 and P5.

Next deadline: (for Ken and Chris) Friday, April 21 at 6pm EDT/10pm UTC

Turn 32 summary:
Will motors across the line at 140 with a podium finish. Kal recovers from his spin at 20 and vows never to borrow tires from Brad again. Simone is NPR, he finishes The 90 outside and remains outside.

Grant makes the big move flying around The 90 on the inside for one wear and a 3-skill chance roll (modified 6). That moves him out of relegation by one point! Cody takes the racing line for P6 right behind Grant.

Chris and Ken both plot 120 and drop two wear on The 90 racing line. Ken just didn't have enough to make that final pass. Tim drops two wear on the Big Bend line but hasn't get enough to catch Kal.

RM note: I don't see any way Ken can pass Chris. However, I will allow them both to send in turn 33 just in case one of them sees/does something that I don't anticipate. Everyone else is set since Tim can't catch Kal and Kal can't catch Ken.

Also, I have opened up a "Post Race Comments" forum on Redscape. Please feel free to post your comments there.
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Post 20 Apr 2017, 3:14 pm

As I suspected, Chris held off Ken by using his last two wear points in S1 120s.

The positions are now final. Congratulations to Jeff for winning it all and to Simone, Will and Cody for moving up to C1.

I know we'll see Jeff in RROC II and it looks good for Simone as well.
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Post 20 Apr 2017, 3:18 pm

The final numbers.
WG C2 summary.png
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Post 12 May 2017, 2:05 pm

The full 35 car field for Watkins Glen and the final points based on the full field finishes.
full field.png
full field points.png