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Post 09 Aug 2016, 9:20 pm

100 years ago the Battle of Pozières ended. Part of the Somme, Pozières was a struggle over a small French village that cost the Australians as many men over six weeks as they lost in the entire Gallipoli campaign, yet you probably never heard of it. Perhaps if Mel Gibson was in a movie about it . . .

We still have six powers! I need retreats from Turkey and France. Get them to me ASAP please, no later than Wednesday August 10 at 9pm. Please get me your builds by Thursday August 11 at 9pm Eastern. Hope to have Spring '08 due on Tuesday August 16th. Let me know where I screwed up.

F Naples Supports A Rome
A Rome Supports F Naples

A Belgium - Holland (*Bounce*)
A Burgundy - Munich (*Bounce*)
F English Channel Supports F London - North Sea
F Gulf of Lyon - Tuscany
F London - North Sea (*Bounce*)
F Mid-Atlantic Ocean - Western Mediterranean
F North Atlantic Ocean - Norwegian Sea (*Fails*)
F Tunis - Ionian Sea
A Venice Supports F Gulf of Lyon - Tuscany (*Dislodged*)

A Albania - Serbia
F Baltic Sea - Denmark
F Edinburgh Supports F Norwegian Sea - North Sea
A Greece Supports A Rumania - Bulgaria
F Helgoland Bight - Holland (*Bounce*)
A Kiel - Munich (*Bounce*)
F Norwegian Sea - North Sea (*Bounce*)
A Sweden - Norway (*Bounce*)
A Trieste - Venice
A Tyrolia Supports A Trieste - Venice

F Tyrrhenian Sea Supports F Tunis - Ionian Sea

A Ankara - Constantinople
F Barents Sea - Norway (*Bounce*)
F Black Sea Supports A Ankara - Constantinople
A Budapest Supports A Vienna
A Rumania - Bulgaria
A Sevastopol - Armenia
A Ukraine - Rumania
A Vienna Supports A Budapest

A Armenia - Ankara
A Bulgaria S A Serbia - Rumania (*Void, No A in Serbia, Destroyed*)
F Constantinople - Black Sea (*Dislodged*)
A Smyrna Supports A Armenia - Ankara

Turkish F Constantinople can retreat to Aegean Sea.
French A Venice can retreat to Piedmont or Apulia.

Assuming retreats are on board, the following is game status after Fall '07
Austria: Naples, Rome.
France: Belgium, Brest, Liverpool, London, Marseilles, Paris, Portugal, Spain.
Germany: Berlin, Denmark, Edinburgh, Greece, Holland, Kiel, Munich, Norway, Serbia, Sweden, Trieste, Venice.
Italy: Tunis.
Russia: Budapest, Bulgaria, Constantinople, Moscow, Rumania, Sevastopol, St Petersburg, Vienna, Warsaw.
Turkey: Ankara, Smyrna.

Austria: Supp 2 Unit 2 Build 0
France: Supp 8 Unit 9 Remove 1
Germany: Supp 12 Unit 10 Build 2
Italy: Supp 1 Unit 1 Build 0
Russia: Supp 9 Unit 8 Build 1
Turkey: Supp 2 Unit 3 Remove 1
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Joined: 02 Oct 2000, 9:01 am

Post 11 Aug 2016, 7:05 pm

Venice retreats to Piedmont
Con retreats OTB

Since I missed the deadline on the retreats, you have until 9pm Eastern Friday the 12th for your winter adjustments.

Austria: Supp 2 Unit 2 Build 0
France: Supp 8 Unit 9 Remove 1
Germany: Supp 12 Unit 10 Build 2
Italy: Supp 1 Unit 1 Build 0
Russia: Supp 9 Unit 8 Build 1
Turkey: Supp 2 Unit 2 Build 0
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Posts: 3509
Joined: 02 Oct 2000, 9:01 am

Post 13 Aug 2016, 11:31 pm

Build A Moscow

Waives both builds

Disband F Tuscany