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Post 29 Jun 2016, 4:06 pm

11th place is only 5 spaces behind the leader after almost a lap! (It makes it a challenge to arrange the data boxes.)

Next deadline: turn 12 due Friday, June 1 at 6pm EDT/10pm UTC

Turn 11 summary:
Joe slows to 60 and loses no rubber around Foro Sol. Will taps the brakes to 80 and drops a wear in the 60 space on the outside. Cody, on the other hand, flies into the 40 space at 100mph scrubbing off 2 wear and uses 1 skill on the chance table. Snake Eyes! How about that race fans? William gets the initiative on the three wide gang and moves around the 100s for free setting up on the inside.

Doug also uses the 100s for free and hangs on to the right side of William's machine. Tim wanted to slow to 80 but with nowhere to go at that speed has to late brake to 60 and ends on Brad's wing. (RM note: Tim would have had to pay a wear penalty in the corner because you have to move at least 1 space before you can late brake. However his initial deceleration was to 80 and he was able to enter the 80 space for free, then further slowed to 60 to complete the move.) Chris holds the gas at 120 losing a wear in the 100s.

Ken slows to 80 and attacks the 60 space for 1 wear. Jeff does 120 down the short straight and takes a cue from William last turn, lining up in the middle to be able to use any lane in the corner next turn. Grant picks up a spot by running up inside Jeff at 140. Kal continues to lurk saving his car by using the racing line through S2.
MC2 turn 11.png
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Post 01 Jul 2016, 3:46 pm

14 wear points and a braking dice roll this turn! Can't you just smell the rubber burning?

Next deadline: turn 13 due Tuesday, July 5 at 6pm EDT/10pm UTC
[Note the Tuesday deadline. If I get all the moves by Monday I likely will be able to adjudicate]

Turn 12 summary:
Joe gets a one space gap on Cody plotting 100 through the 80 space of Peraltada for a wear. Cody follows but at 80 for free. Will finishes Foro Sol for already paid wear and follows the first two into the corner 80 space for free. Brad is the first to get onto Goodyear's Christmas card list as he sheds two wear through Foro Sol and another two entering the 60 space in Peraltada dropping Will to 4th.

William says "Not so fast, there!" as he also burns two and two at 80 using the 40 spaces in both Foro and Peraltada to take 3rd and push Brad and Will back yet another position. Simone scuffs two wear off his tires around the Foro 40 as well, finishing just behind the next corner. Tim stops the madness temporarily as he holds 60 through the Foro 60s for free.

Chris outguns Ken exiting the Ovalo Chicane, also sheds two wear in the Foro 40 and ducks in front of Tim, picking up two spots in the process. Ken drops to 40 and slides inside to prepare for the Foro 40. Jeff gets the initiative on Grant at 100 and takes the 100s through the Chicane for free. Grant plotted 80 and tested his brakes with 0 skill (modified 9, they barely held) but with the track blocked ahead has to lock them up and burn a wear to get down to 60. Kal sees a lot of tire smoke ahead but his spotters assure him the track is clear as he approaches the Chicane at 100.
MC2 turn 12.png
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Post 02 Jul 2016, 9:09 am

The lap averages becoming closer as expected with such a tight pack.
MC2 speed chart.png
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Post 04 Jul 2016, 6:16 pm

JimOrlando wrote:The lap averages becoming closer as expected with such a tight pack.

The 148 number for me doesn't smell right. Pretty sure I haven't gotten above 120 in this section.
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Post 05 Jul 2016, 4:00 am

Kal wrote:
The 148 number for me doesn't smell right. Pretty sure I haven't gotten above 120 in this section.

You're right. I had you hitting the trap on turn 11 instead of 12. Corrected.
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Post 05 Jul 2016, 3:54 pm

Several drivers take advantage of the decreasing radius In Peraltada.

Next deadline: turn 14 due Thursday, July 7 at 6pm EDT/10pm UTC
[Note the Thursday deadline. We missed Monday and I will not be available to adjudicate on Friday.]

Turn 13 summary:
Joe is the first to take advantage of the decreasing radius as he accelerates to 160 and hits the s/f line on the inside. Cody uses a skill to be able to match Joe's 160 and also finishes inside but with a space between them. William takes advantage of being on the inside and his already paid wear to go 120 and grab Cody's wing. Brad does the same in the Peraltada center lane as he's able to reach 140 and pull up next to William.

Will from the outside is handicapped by the fact that he entered the corner with no wear and can only accelerate to 120 losing two spaces on 4th place but barely clearing the corner. Simone drops 2 wear in the center lane of the corner and keeps station on Will. Chris scrubs one wear in the middle lane losing a space to Simone. Tim at 100 wanted the center lane also but Chris blocked it and forced him outside shedding 1 wear.

Ken holds at 40 around Foro Sol and runs inside. Jeff lights up the tires to the tune of three wear as he moves through the Foro 60s and into the Peraltada 80 at 100, taking over 9th place. Grant runs a safe 60 through Foro. Kal also stays safe through the chicane at 80 and lines up inside just before Foro.
MC2 turn 13.png
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Post 07 Jul 2016, 3:37 pm

Recall a few turns ago when you could have thrown a blanket of the field? In the words of the Pink Panther, "Not any more."
[Note: Simone's wear was not deducted last turn. It is correct now.]

Next deadline: turn 15 due Monday, July 11 at 6pm EDT/10pm UTC

Turn 14 summary:
Joe and Cody both max their top speeds at 160 down the long Recta Principal. Brad gets the jump on William and takes over 3rd place by using 2 skill to "let the big dogs run" at 180. William meanwhile plots 160 but with a slip off Cody makes it three wide for second place.

Will makes up a little ground off the corner as he uses a skill to reach 180. Simone comes off the Peraltada at 160 and moves inside but loses the draft from Will. Chris does 140, the fastest he's allowed this turn, and also drops inside. Tim is able to make 160 around the outside of the corner and pulls even with Chris' silver machine.

Jeff takes all the corner allows him as he accelerates to 140 and starts to the inside as he exits. Ken plots 60 and takes the middle lane in Peraltada for free. Grant takes over 10th place by going 100 in the outer lane for a wear. Kal continues to save the car taking the Foro Sol 40 for free.
MC2 turn 14.png
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Post 11 Jul 2016, 4:01 pm

A pass for the lead. The pack strings out a bit.

Next deadline: turn 16 due Wednesday, July 13 at 6pm EDT/10pm UTC

Turn 15 summary:
Joe slows to 120 to approach the Ese Moises Solana in the middle lane. Cody gets the jump on Brad and William at 160 and slides inside of Joe for 1st place. Brad also plots 160 to make it three wide at the entrance to the Ese. Suspecting this would happen, William slows to 140 and lines up inside and a row back.

Will also stays at 160 and grabs the tailpipe of William's race car. Simone, Chris, Tim and Jeff all maintain 160 down the Recta Principal to stay in relative position.

Grant takes advantage of the decreasing radius of Peraltada to accelerate to 160 for already paid wear and moves inside. Ken puts two of his large cache of skill to test his acceleration. Passing the test he comes around the curve at 140 to stay right with Grant. Kal continues to keep his tires as fresh as possible as he plots 80 around the outside of the final corner.
MC2 turn 15.png
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Post 13 Jul 2016, 3:31 pm

The leader spins causing several drivers to scramble!

Next deadline: turn 17 due Friday, July 15 at 6pm EDT/10pm UTC

Turn 16 summary:
P1-P3 were lined up three wide at the entrance to Ese Moises Solana and Cody gets the jump on the others plotting 120 for 2 wear and a 3 skill chance roll on the inside. A modified 8 causes him to spin in the first 60 space blocking the inside lane of the corner. Brad was unaffected by the spin as he plots 120 around the racing line and finishes inside with the lead. Joe had planned on the inside lane but settles for the middle 60s for a wear at 80. William gave a lot of ifs in his move but he didn't anticipate this one. (Here's a good reason to have defaults on file) Since he had planned to use 2 wear in the corner he ends up through the middle 60s and outside of Joe.

Will looks for a slip but William only did 100 so Will follows through the middle 60s at 100 also dropping 2 wear. Simone takes the racing line at 120 scrubbing off 2 points of his own but grabbing the back of Will's black race car. Chris gets the initiative on Tim by plotting 160 and then late braking to 140 taking it off his tires and grabs the line before the corner. Tim also does 140 taking the middle lane.

Jeff holds the pedal down at 160 and moves outside to pick up the line. Grant also keeps it at 160 staying inside. Ken opens up his big engine for 180mph and pulls to the outside of Grant. Kal takes advantage of the increased speed in Peraltada to jump to 160.
MC2 turn 16.png
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Post 15 Jul 2016, 3:27 pm

A four car breakaway.

Next deadline: turn 18 due Monday, July 18 at 6pm EDT/ 10pm UTC

Turn 17 summary:
Brad does 140 and grabs the Ese Del Lago line. Joe does 140 also but asks to finish inside. William plots 160 and grabs the tail of the leader. Will also plots 160 but he's able to duck inside and take the short way around the kink. He also gets a slip off William which allows him to pass two cars and take over 2nd place.

Simone completes the racing line at 120 and stays inside but loses the front runners. Cody recovers from his spin, takes the short way around the kink and starts for the inside. Chris drops 2 wear on the Solana line and is able to sneak inside of Cody to take 6th from him. Tim slows to 80 around the outside of the Ese for free.

Jeff burns off 2 wear at 100 on the inside of the corner grabbing 8th. Ken gets the initiative on Grant by plotting 140 and sets up on the Solana line. Grant slowed to 120 and finishes on Ken's tailpipe. Kal decides it's time to make up ground as he reaches for the dice which are friendly to him and allow him to cover most of the straightaway at 200mph.
MC2 turn 17.png
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Post 16 Jul 2016, 8:22 am

Joe had a 1.671 second lead at the line.
MC2 speed chart.png
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Post 18 Jul 2016, 4:04 pm

Two positions change and Ese Moises Solana claims another victim.

Next deadline: turn 19 due Wednesday, July 20 at 6pm EDT/10pm UTC

Turn 18 summary:
Brad slows to 80 and takes both halves of the split line for one wear. Will plots 80 using a wear to brake (RM note: this wear was not specified but is used by rule.) and follows Brad through Ese Del Lago. William gets the jump on Joe by plotting 120 and late braking to 100 (1s>modified 6) scrubbing off two wear in the first racing line and the 60s in the second half of the corner. Joe slows to 80 (1s> modified 4) and uses the first racing line then a 60 dropping a wear to stay right behind William.

Simone finishes the straightaway at 120 and grabs the Del Lago racing line. Chris speeds up slightly to 140 to get back on Simone's tail. Cody gets back to 120 after his spin and stays inside. Jeff uses his full acceleration to get to 160 and ducks around Cody and inside of Chris to pick up two spots.

Tim comes out of Ese Moises Solana at 140 and keeps to the inside. Ken slows to 80 to take the Solana racing line for free. Grant was looking for a slip but Ken was too slow forcing Grant to take the outside route around the Ese at 100 and dropping 1 wear. Kal lets it all hang out as he hits the corner at 140 for 2 wear and a 2 skill chance roll: modified 8 and he spins.
MC2 turn 18.png
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Post 20 Jul 2016, 3:58 pm

A pass for the lead as the lead pack bunches up

Next deadline: turn 20 due Friday, July 22 at 6pm EDT/10pm UTC

Turn 19 summary:
Brad scuffs a wear off around the outside of Horquilla at 80 finishing outside to block the line. William plots 100 but with the line blocked late brakes to 80 for a wear and drops two more around the 40 space to take over 1st place. Will slows to 60 and sets up on the outside of the corner. Joe also slows to 60 and grabs the Horquilla racing line.

Simone plots 80 and burns a wear taking both racing lines and pulls even with Joe. Jeff gets the jump on Chris as they both plot 100. Jeff using 2 wear to follow the 60s then the second line, Chris also using two wear to follow the first line and the 60s in the second half of Ese Del Lago grabbing the Horquilla line. Cody spends one wear on both racing lines to finish behind Jeff.

Tim goes 100 and starts Ese Del Lago on the outside for free. Ken covers most of the straightaway at 140. Grant was looking for a slip but he plotted 160 so he ends up outside Ken. Kal starts his spin recovery at 20. (RM note: because of the spin Kal loses the line advantage and cannot use it next turn.)
MC2 turn 19.png
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Post 22 Jul 2016, 4:58 pm

Most of the pack is now through Horquilla without incident.

Next deadline: turn 21 due Monday, July 25 at 6pm EDT/10pm UTC

Turn 20 summary:
William plots 120 and makes a naked roll to late brake (6) taking the S1 line for free. Brad had planned to follow along the S1 line at 120 but with William braking he's forced outside for free. Will slows to 60 around the outside of Horquilla for free. Joe gets the initiative on Simone running the racing line at 80 and dropping a wear.

Simone slows to 60 around the outside of the corner for free. Jeff also runs the outside but at 80, shedding a wear and pulling even with Simone. Chris takes the outside at 60 for free. Cody wanted the racing line at 80 but with no place to go instead late brakes with a skill (mod 7) and ends up on the line for free.

Tim drops to 60 and settles on the racing line exiting the corner. Grant uses all the brakes he has to get to 120 shedding a wear in the 100s. Ken slows to 80 and takes the first racing line for free and holds on to 10th. Kal continues to recover from his spin at 60.
MC2 turn 20.png
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Post 25 Jul 2016, 3:42 pm

A pass for the lead and the pack strings out a little more.

Next deadline: turn 22 due Wednesday, July 27 at 6pm EDT/10pm UTC

Turn 21 summary:
William slows to 80 finishing the S1 line and takes the S2 80s for free. Brad holds his speed at 120 dropping a wear but picking up 1st place for now. Joe shoots the S1 line at 100 for free. Will does the same to stay right with him.

Simone uses all his acceleration to reach 120 and takes the S1 120s for free. Jeff picks up two positions by shedding two wear points in the S1 80s at 120 and picks up the S2 line. Cody powers out of Horquilla at 120 and burns a wear on the S1 racing line, picking up a position from Simone. Chris wisely plots 100 and picks up the S1 line for free.

Tim breaks off the Ese Del Lago line paying a wear for the 40 space and picks up the Horquilla line at 60 for free. Ken finishes Del Lago at 80 through the 60s scrubbing off a layer of rubber and picks up the Horquilla line right behind Tim. Grant plots 80 and clicks off 1 wear for the second racing line finishing outside. Kal back up to speed covers the straightaway at 140 and starts the Ese racing line.
MC2 turn 21.png