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F1 Driver (Pro VI)
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Post 20 Apr 2016, 5:59 am

I would very much appreciate your thoughts on this race. This track was created by Charlie Heckman who supposedly used a slightly different rules set. I'm mainly curious if you believe it would be a good fit for use in a future season of league play. Some questions include: Is the track conducive to different car types and racing styles? Is it too difficult to pass? What of Logan's Circle?

One thing I can say with confidence: 15 cars is too many! I don't think I'll be doing that again.

Please add any comments you have on your race or the race of others.

Thank you all for playing. As an RM I am truly appreciate of your dedication. I think we only had one NPR the entire race - impressive!

Season 3 of league play is starting in a few weeks and all of you are invited to join. I will be confirming your intent over the next week or so.
Rally Racer (Pro III)
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Joined: 16 Nov 2015, 5:55 am

Post 21 Apr 2016, 5:08 am

I enjoyed your race and will continue here if you will have me, well done!!!

I need to get use to the style here, My series allocates less skill and less tire, (Wear) so less rolls, which is usually my demise.

Also a bit more aggressive early race in this series. Might be because of a bit more skill so can be spread out a bit more.

Personally I would change Logan's Circle to have only one more space in the outer lane, track is tight enough. Otherwise a good track and I would run it again.

I think 100 Start Speeds are a bit over the top but not an issue.

I agree, 15 is to many using the tracks as is, need more three lane area. My tracks are wider having three lanes wide around a good portion of the tracks. Regularly run 16 cars! :)

Looking forward to next race.

Anyway, had fun and appreciate your invite.

Best Regards, and Thanks,
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Indy Car Driver (Pro IV)
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Post 21 Apr 2016, 8:35 pm

In Hind sight, I let this one get away, I should have set up for the Annex Hairpin, but didn't' then I try'd to by the Chance table, and thats never good. I was looking for dave to hold up jeff a little more cause jeff still had a few more wear, but congrats to my podium partners on a race well run.
I think the track is good the way it is, as for Logans Circle its good the way it is, if you don't go fast enough or you go off the beaten path it will make you pay. It gave me the advantage, but it did't give me the race.
I think 15 is to many for any track, you should make it 10 to 12 per race. The RM did a Fantastic job, my hats off to you Mike.

Can't wait for season to begin, It will be my first
Rally Racer (Pro III)
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Joined: 09 Dec 2015, 4:26 pm

Post 26 Apr 2016, 12:53 pm

First off - Congratulations to Dave for running a good aggressive race and getting his car across the line in one piece for the checkered flag!!

Secondly - Many thanks to Mike for taking the time to steward the race for all of us!

I enjoyed the race but I don't think it is that great of a track. The four cars that started in the front finished in the front. Three of those cars were 140-40-40 cars even though the track looks to be higher speed at first glance. I think the track is somewhat lacking in tactical options and passing opportunities.

Thanks again for running the race!