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NASCAR Driver (Pro V)
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Post 21 Nov 2015, 3:32 pm

Gentlemen please note the schedule for preparing for the Monza Race:
Builds due Monday, November 23 at 6pm EST/11pm UTC
Bids due Wednesday, November 25 at 6pm EST/11pm UTC
Turn 1 due Wednesday, December 2 at 6pm EST/11pm UTC

This allows for the traditional 4 day Thanksgiving weekend in the U.S. However, if I get all early I will post and maybe we can move the next dates up.

I also ask that in the subject of your emails you use "Monza" and "Turn <#>". Also your car color would be nice, but at least have the first two things.
(e.g. "Monza, turn 2, black" as the email subject)
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Post 23 Nov 2015, 4:22 pm

Builds are in and quite diverse. In fact we only have two cars that are alike, the purple car of John W and the lime green car of Rando. There are 8 other setups including a 200mph top speed and 3 20mph start speeds.

Hard deadline: Bids for start position are due Wednesday, November 25 at 6pm EST/11pm UTC.
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Post 23 Nov 2015, 5:12 pm

Hey, I knew there would be glitches. Blame it on me being a noob. The wear and skill values on the build chart are the one lap values. But on my sheet where I keep track of them they are correct. Also you can disregard the last two columns of the chart.

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Post 25 Nov 2015, 4:33 pm

OK, the dice rolls are in and the results are tabulated.

Turn 1: (soft deadline) due Monday, November 30 at 6pm EST/11pm UTC

(hard deadline) Wednesday, December 2 at 6pm EST/11pm UTC

And now for the most famous words in motor sports:

Signori , accendete i motori !!
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Post 25 Nov 2015, 4:47 pm

The starting grid with data boxes updated for start bids.
Start Grid.png
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Post 27 Nov 2015, 10:23 am

Thanks for getting plots in over this US holiday weekend.

The dice were not kind to Will and Rando. A reminder, if no lane choice information is included then you just move straight ahead. There were a couple of drivers that could have set up for a slipstream next turn if it had been asked for.

Next deadline: turn 2 plots due Monday, November 30 at 6pm EST/11pm UTC (soft), Wednesday, December 2 at 6pm EST/11pm UTC (hard)

Turn 1 results
Kal jumps out to the early lead using his 3 skill chip to jump the start. Brad moves inside while Tim parallels him at 100. Willy pushes his start to 80 with 2 skill and grabs 4th. Tony uses his inside position to keep ahead of Gatlin, both of them going their start speed.

Will tried to jump out to 4th with 2 skill but an 11 on the dice drops his speed to 40. Chris and John start with 20 (Chris' radio is definitely NSFW at the moment). And Rando attempts to push his start with 2 skill points but another 11 on the dice says he doesn't even pass the red tees.
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Post 27 Nov 2015, 3:35 pm

we have a chance. rando missed the break
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Post 02 Dec 2015, 4:28 pm

It looks like a motocross start. Half the field should exit the starting area next turn.

Next Deadline: turn 3 plots due Friday, December 4 at 6am EST/11pm UTC (hard)

Turn 2 results

Kal keeps the pedal down reaching 160 as do Brad and Tim, Brad setting up for the slip on Kal. Willy spends 2s to get to 160 and stay with the leaders. Tony does 120 and moves inside. [RM note: obviously the partial spaces are in play]

Gatlin goes 100 and keeps on Tony's tail. Will stays right on Gatlin at 100. John also does 100 and sets up behind Will. Chris goes 80 and ducks inside. Rando gets out of the box at 80.
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Rally Racer (Pro III)
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Post 03 Dec 2015, 9:08 pm

when a car exits the start area , where is that on the actual track?
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Post 04 Dec 2015, 4:53 pm

There's still some confusion about how to exit the start area. The start/finish line is between the blue row and the pink row. When a car exits the blue row it enters the pink row and proceeds normally.
Note: Gatlin is directly behind Tony

Next Deadline: turn 4 plots due Monday, December 7 at 6pm EST/11pm UTC (hard)

Turn 3 results:
Kal keeps the pedal down at 160. Brad uses a slip to pull along side Kal. Tim keeps on Kal's tail at 160 while Willy reaches his top of 180 and makes it 2 wide behind the leader. Tony leaves the start area at 180 also.

Gatlin gets to 140 but the 2 space slip from Tony keeps him right behind him [see note above]. Will uses his full acceleration to get to 160 while John winds it out to 180 to pull along side. [RM Note: Will asked for a slip but plotted faster than Gatlin even though Gatlin got a 2 space slip off Tony] Chris loses the draft at 140 and Rando pulls along side him at 160 to tighten things up for 9th.
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Post 06 Dec 2015, 10:03 am

The first touch of the brakes and 3 wide at the entrance of Variante Del Rettifilo. This next turn could be interesting.

Next Deadline: turn 5 plots due Wednesday, December 9 at 6pm EST/11pm UTC. As always, if I have all plots early I will try to adjudicate early like this turn.

Turn 4 results:
Kal plots 140 and late brakes to grab the chicane line. Brad goes 120 and slides inside Kal for the lead. Tim goes 140 to make it 3 wide while Willy grabs the line behind Kal. Tony slows to 140 to approach the corner.

Gatlin goes 160 and pulls along side the black car. John keeps the pedal down and grabs Tony's tail. Will having lost the initiative stays at 160 and inside. Chris and Rando both go 180 and stay side by side.
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Post 09 Dec 2015, 5:22 pm

Quite the mess in Variante Del Rettifilo. Kal, Brad, Tim and Willy get clear but the rest of the pack will still have to sort out.

Next Deadline: Friday, December 11 at 6pm EST/11pm UTC

Turn 5 results
Kal uses 2w to take the line through the chicane. Brad spends 2w to take the 40s and lines up behind Kal. Tim uses the 80s and 1w to clear the corner. Willy saves the wear by braking to 60 and keeping on the line. With the line blocked Tony is forced to the outside burning 2w.

With the jam up in the chicane Gatlin is forced to slam on the brakes for 1w and enters the RL at 80 for another wear to take 2 spots at least for now. The jam up continues with John having to move outside at 100 for 2w in the 60 space. Will uses 2s to get down to 100 but with the corner blocked can only set up on the line. Rando gets the initiative by plotting 160 and late braking to 140, moving inside and taking 8th for now. Chris plots 140 and late brakes to 120 (1w) to grab the line.
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Post 09 Dec 2015, 5:27 pm

Holy cow, what a mess!

Any feedback from the racers on the rolling start? It seemed to work out pretty well... until they hit the first corner!
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Post 11 Dec 2015, 1:21 pm

SLOTerp wrote:Holy cow, what a mess!

Any feedback from the racers on the rolling start? It seemed to work out pretty well... until they hit the first corner!

I don't know if I like the rolling start, it takes out the excitement of bidding for position, and there is little effect, as the start speed puts you in the lead pack or not. Still a bit early to see how the wear shakes itself out on this track.
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Post 11 Dec 2015, 5:16 pm


Everyone clears the chicane, most with a little less rubber but none with dents.

Next deadline: Turn 7 plots due Monday, December 14 at 6pm EST/11pm UCT

Turn 6 Results:
Kal uses 2s to get to 160 while Brad does 140 and slips him to stay right behind. Willy uses 2s to get the initiative as he and Tim both come off the chicane at 140. Tony keeps at 100 through the 60s for his already paid wear.

Gatlin continues on the racing line at 80 for his already paid wear. John keeps at 100 for his paid wear and lines up behind Tony. Rando goes 80 through the first 40 then the 60s to finish behind John. Will goes 80 through the 60s for a wear. Chris takes the 40s line at 80 for 2 wear to slide into 8th.