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Post 26 Jul 2015, 7:09 pm

Giovanni drops a combined 4 wear in Konya and Antalya, Simone catches up to Josh and Ken reaches grabs the dice for a chance to catch up to Dave & Doug.

Next Deadline: Turn 26 plots are due Tuesday, July 28 at 9am EDT/1pm UTC/6am PDT (that last one is for me), this will be a soft deadline with the hard deadline on Wednesday at the same time. There is a good chance I can process the turn Monday night. We're still playing catch up to C1, so I'll turn 'em as quick as I can.

Turn 25 Summary
Marshall plots 80 and takes the Konya 60 space for a wear, followed by the Antalya racing line for free. Giovanni goes 120, taking the Konya 80s for 2 wear and with the Antalya line blocked, takes the 80s for another 2 wear. Jim and Turyko also go 120, Jim takes the Konya line for 2 wear and Turyko takes the 80s for 2 wear, lining up behind him. Meng drops to 120 and stays inside. Chris gets the initiative over Josh at 160, heading inside and pulls up behind Meng. Josh slows to 120 and goes for the center lane.

Simone continues at 160 and pulls up inside of Josh. Dave gives the dice a rest and goes 140. Doug continues at 160 and lines up next to him. Ken heads for the dice (and 1 skill) to plot 180, he rolls a Modified 7 and hits the gas. Grant goes 140 down the middle.

IstanbulC2-Turn25 v2.png
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Post 27 Jul 2015, 4:17 am

I tweaked the program a little to make it more accurate so some of the speeds changed from the last time but only slightly.
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Post 28 Jul 2015, 7:23 am

The most recent track map has been updated to correct an Error in Adjudication - Giovanni should have moved before Marshall by virtue of going faster, which allowed him access to the racing line and to take the lead.
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Post 28 Jul 2015, 8:10 pm

Our leaders have started the final lap! 3 drivers reach for the dice and are rewarded with success.

Next Deadline: Turn 27 plots are due Thursday, July 30 at 9am EDT/1pm UTC/6am PDT (soft deadline). Hard deadline will be Friday at the same time.

Shameless Plug: Redscape was originally a Diplomacy gaming website. I am going to run a game of Diplomacy, and if you're interested, sign up! It's a very different game from SC/CFR but lots of fun. Let me know if you're interested or have questions, the game announcement is here: viewtopic.php?f=27&t=3066

Turn 26 Summary
Giovanni goes leaves Antalya in the dust, going 160 and starting lap 3. Marshall plots 140 pushes acceleration with 2 skill, rolling a mod 6 and also crossing into the third lap. Jim goes 80 through the 80s and then ends on the line. Turyko goes 120 and with the line blocked, drops 2 wear in the 80s and pulls in front of Jim. Meng goes 80 through the 80s in Konya and starts the Antalya line. Chris takes the Konya line at 100 for a wear and then starts the Antalya 80s for another wear.

Simone plots 120, starts the racing line and then late brakes to 100 using a brakes test (with 2 skill, rolling a mod 3) and drops a wear on Konya. Josh follows at 100 and goes into the 80s for a wear. Dave goes 140 and takes the inside lane on approach to Konya. Doug plots 140 and takes the racing line. Ken charges down the straight at 160. Grant plays catch up by plotting 180 and rolling on the top speed table with 2s applied (mod 9) and keeps to the center.

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Post 30 Jul 2015, 7:53 pm

Giovanni looks to gain some separation from Marshall in the next turn while Turyko and Jim race to catch them both. Doug edges ahead of Josh and Dave and into 8th.

Next Deadline: Turn 28 plots due Monday, August 3 at 9am EDT/1pm UTC/6am PDT (hard deadline). If you guys turn it around quick this weekend I'll process a turn.

Turn 27 Summary
Giovanni slows to 120 and heads into the Istanbul 100s for a wear. Marshall does the same. Turyko accelerates to 160. Jim tests acceleration with 2 skill (mod 3) to go 140, and keeps up with a slip. Chris continues in Antalya at 100 through the 80s and exits to the inside. Meng takes the Antalya racing line at 100 for a wear and he lines up next to Chris. Simone goes 120 through the 80s and pulls up behind Chris.

Josh continues through the Konya 80s at 100 and takes the Antalya RL for a wear. Dave goes 100 through the Konya 60 for two wear and takes the Antalya 80s for another wear. Doug goes 100 on the Konya line for a wear and takes the Antalya 60s for 2 wear and pulls up inside of Josh. Ken takes the Konya 80s at 100 for a wear and starts the Antalya racing line for another wear. Grant heads into the Konya 80s at 120 for 2 wear.

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Post 03 Aug 2015, 7:38 am

Giovanni builds on his lead and we have some cars going really fast as we head into Istanbul. Meng grabs the dice for an acceleration roll while Jim, Simone, and Doug get slipstream bonuses.

Also, I just realized I never updated the "prior placement" cars and don't have the chance to fix it right now so please ignore them and I'll up date them next turn. :)

Next Deadline: Turn 29 plots are due Wednesday, August 5 at 9am EDT/1pm UTC (hard deadline). I'll be on a red eye flight from the West Coast on Tuesday Night so if I can't process the turn early we may be a wee bit delayed on Wednesday. We'll keep that deadline just in case.

Turn 28 Summary
Giovanni jumps out of Istanbul at 160 and grabs the racing line ahead of Ankara. Marshall continues at 120 through Istanbul. Turyko plots 120 and drops 2 wear on the Istanbul 80s. Jim plots 100 and takes the slip from Turyko through the 100s for free.

Meng plots 180 and grabs the dice for the acceleration roll. With 2 skill applied, he rolls a modified 6 and launches down the straight in the center lane. Chris plots 160 and stays to the inside. Simone also goes 160 and with the slip, pulls up next to Chris. Doug also goes 160 and takes the slip from Simone to keep pace, pulling up behind Chris.

Josh goes 140 down the center lane. Dave goes 140 and lines up behind him. Ken completes the Antalya racing line at 100 and heads inside. Grant takes the Antalya line at 100 for a wear.

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Post 04 Aug 2015, 8:01 pm

Marshall is the first to bare tires and the dice are out again this turn with mixed results. Simone bets big on the dice and wins while Josh bets and gets burned.

Next Deadline: Turn 30 plots due Thursday, August 6 at 9am EDT/1pm UTC (soft deadline). Hard deadline is Friday at the same time.

Turn 29 Summary
Giovanni overbrakes to 100 with a brakes test and his last 2 1-skill chips (mod 3), and takes the Ankara racing line for 2 wear. Marshall follows, also taking the RL for his last 2 wear at 100. Turyko goes 120 and starts the RL ahead of Ankara. Jim goes 140 and grabs the line as well.

Meng reaches for the dice again, this time to overbrake using 1s to 120 (roll Mod 4). He takes the 100s in Istanbul for a wear. Simone takes the initiative over Chris and plots 120 through the 60 for 2 wear and a roll on the chance table with a 3-skill chip applied (roll Mod 5). He tacks on the slip and passes Meng. Chris takes the 80s through Istanbul at 100 for a wear. Doug goes 100 through the 100s for free.

Josh overbrakes to 100 using a brakes test and rolls a naked 12. He suffers brake damage (-20 to deceleration) and pays a wear as a penalty. [RM Note: Because Josh's original deceleration stat was 20, it is now 0. Any deceleration requires wear or a brakes test.] He takes the outside lane in Istanbul for free. Dave goes 100 and sticks to the center lane ahead of the corner. Ken goes 140 and lines up behind Dave. Grant goes 160 and heads to the outside lane.

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Post 05 Aug 2015, 3:59 am

Doug with the fastest lap so far.
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Post 07 Aug 2015, 6:26 am

Giovanni and Meng join Marshall in the bare tires club as Meng takes a chance in Ankara and spins!

Next Deadline: Turn 31 plots due Monday, August 10 at 9am EDT/1pm UTC. I'm traveling on Monday so if I can't process early I may have to delay to Monday night.

Turn 30 Summary
Giovanni goes 120 and takes the Izmir racing line for his last 2 wear. Marshall increases to 120 for the already-paid wear in Ankara and heads to the inside. Turyko, Jim, and Simone all plot 100 for 2 wear on the Ankara line.

Meng plots 120 and hits the Ankara RL for 2 wear and a chance roll, using his 3-skill chip. He rolls a modified 7 and SPINS right as he enters the 40 space. Chris follows at 120 and starts the RL ahead of Ankara. Doug jams the gas to 160 and pulls up outside of Chris on approach to Ankara. Josh finishes Istanbul at 100 and stays to the outside. Dave takes the Istanbul 80s at 100 for a wear and pulls up inside of Josh. Ken and Grant each take the 100s at 100 for free.

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Post 10 Aug 2015, 8:14 pm

Sorry for the delay, traveling yet again. Chris uses up his last wear and passes a chance roll. Josh's brake system may be a ticking time bomb but he survives to roll again! :)

Next Deadline: Turn 32 plots are due Wednesday, 9pm EDT/1am UTC (hard deadline, note 12 hour offset).

Turn 31 Summary
Giovanni goes 120, finishing the Izmir line and starting the Bursa line for free. Marshall takes the Izmir line at 80 for free. Turyko and Jim both go 120, Turyko into the Izmir 80s for 2 wear while Jim starts the RL. Simone exits Ankara at 140 and lines up behind Jim.

Meng recovers from his spin at 60 and heads inside. Chris takes the racing line at 100 for his last wear and a roll on the chance table (2s applied), he rolls a modified 4. Doug takes the 60s at 100 for 2 wear and pulls up next to Meng.

Dave goes 100 and starts the Ankara line. Josh plots 80, but needs a brakes test. He breaks his 3-skill chip into 3 1-skill chips and uses one, rolling a modified 7, to pull up and start the line also. Ken goes 120 and pulls up to the inside of Josh. Grant goes 140 but has to slam on the brakes for a wear when he runs out of room.

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Post 14 Aug 2015, 6:07 am

Drivers, sorry for the delay. I ended up working many more hours than expected while on this last trip. You all had your plots in within a day, though, great work!

We now have 5 cars on bare tires and a lot of track left for most on this final lap!

Next Deadline: Monday, August 17 at 9am EDT/1pm UTC (hard deadline).

Turn 32 Summary
Giovanni, Marshall, and Turyko all go 120; Giovanni on the Bursa line and Adana through the inside; Marshall and Turyko on the Bursa line. Jim takes the Izmir line at 120 for 2 wear and then starts Bursa in the 120s for free. Simone plots 100 with a slip on Jim on the line through Izmir for a wear and onto line ahead of Bursa.

Chris goes 100 and starts the Izmir line. Doug plots 140 and then late brakes with 2s (mod 9), he pulls up inside of Chris. Meng plots 120 but runs out of room and has to slam on the brakes; with no wear he's forced to roll on the brakes test table. He rolls a naked 7 and successfully brakes, lining up behind Doug.

Dave takes the Ankara line at 80 for a wear. Ken takes Ankara at 80 for a wear, using the 60s and 80 space. Josh plots 60 and again hits the brakes test table with 1s. He rolls a modified 7 and takes the racing line through Ankara. Grant plots 80 on the racing line, but with Josh blocking, he takes the 60s for a wear.

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Post 17 Aug 2015, 5:36 am

Giovanni looks to expand his lead next turn, the chase pack sticks close together, while Meng takes a chance and it pays off. Ken has the most rubber remaining on his tires - can he make something of it?

Next Deadline: Turn 34 plots due Wednesday, August 19 at 9am EDT/1pm UTC.

Turn 33 Summary
Giovanni plots 120 and takes the Gaziantep Racing Line for free. Marshall also goes 120 and takes the Adana line below speed. Turyko also goes 120 but uses the 120 space instead, but he chooses to line up behind Marshall [RM note: Turyko did not use the line but he ended on one of the spaces due to lane preference.] Jim also continues at 120 in the outside lane but opts to take the Adana line below speed. Simone also plots 120 on the Bursa line, but is forced into the 140s in Adana.

Doug plots 120 through the Izmir 80s for 2 wear and grabs the Bursa line. Chris takes the Izmir line for free at 80 and takes the Bursa line behind Doug. Meng plots 100 on the line with a slip on Doug. Out of wear, he rolls on the chance table with 2 skill (Mod 6) and pulls up inside of Doug just before Bursa.

Dave plots 120 and grabs the Izmir line. Ken also plots 120 and stays to the inside. Josh and Grant both plot 100 (Grant by virtue of the increasing speed within the corner) and form a conga line behind Ken.

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Post 19 Aug 2015, 6:22 am

A furious battle for second place has begun, Meng takes a chance and spins in Bursa, and Josh continues to have friendly dice for his brakes test.

Meanwhile in Circuit 1, Fabio crosses the finish line on Turn 38. Time to play catch up!

Next Deadline: Turn 35 plots due Friday, August 21 at 9am EDT/1pm UTC.

Turn 34 Summary
Giovanni goes 160 down the straightaway. Marshall plots 120 on the Gaziantep line for free. Turyko and Jim each plot 160. With Marshall occupying the line, they're both forced into the 120s for 2 wear each. Simone accelerates to 140 to match the speed limit within Adana and grabs the Gaziantep line.

Meng plots 140 and opts for the outside lane in Bursa, with bare tires he goes for a chance roll (naked 9) and SPINS upon entering the corner. Doug and Chris both plot 120 and avoid the mess by taking the racing line for free. Doug heads into the 120 space in Adana and Chris lines up to the inside.

Dave plots 100 through Izmir on the line for a wear and starts the Bursa line. Ken also plots 100 on the line for a wear. Josh brakes to 80 using 1s on a brakes test (mod 2) and takes the Izmir line. Grant follows at 80 and starts the RL.

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Post 19 Aug 2015, 3:26 pm

Everybody through section 1 lap 3.
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Post 21 Aug 2015, 11:06 am

Giovanni closes in on the final corners. Turyko takes a chance and gains some separation in the battle for second. Dave spins while trying to save his last wear. Sorry for the delay today!

Next Deadline: Turn 36 plots due Monday, August 24 at 9am EDT/1pm UTC.

Turn 35 Summary
Giovanni continues at 160. Turyko plots 180 and rolls on the top speed table with 2 skill (mod 4) and heads to the outside. Marshall plots 120 (misplot?) and heads inside. Jim continues at 160 and heads to the inside, pulling in front of Marshall. Simone takes the racing line for 2 wear at 160, and pulls up next to Marshall.

Doug and Chris continue at 120 and start the Gaziantep racing line. Meng recovers from his spin at 60 in the outside lane of Bursa. Dave goes 140 on the Bursa line and opts for a chance roll with 3 skill. It isn't quite enough as he rolls a mod 7 and SPINS upon entering the corner. Ken plots 120 and is forced into the outside, but runs out of room and has to spend a wear on the emergency brake. Josh plots 120 and also has to take the outside lane. Grant takes the Izmir line for free at 80 and starts the Bursa line.
