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F1 Driver (Pro VI)
Posts: 7921
Joined: 08 Apr 2002, 9:45 am

Post 30 Jun 2015, 6:46 am


1) I'm terribly sorry but I do not have a map ready. If anyone is able to jump in and create one, I would be appreciative. If not, I'll try to get it up by tomorrow.

2) There is a DIAS proposal on the table. Please submit your vote.

Fall 1907 Results

:aus1: Austria: patrickpweeks
A Boh-Mun (bounce)
A Ven Stand (dislodged, disbanded)
A Tri S A Ven Stand (cut, dislodged, disbanded)
A Alb S A Tri Stand (cut)
F Gre-ION (bounce, dislodged, disbanded)

:fra1: France: Geezerguy
A/Belgium to Holland (bounce)
A/Burgundy to Belgium (bounce)
F/Edinburgh holds
F/English Channel to London (bounce)
F/Gulf of Lyon supports A/Piedmont
A/Holland to Kiel (bounce)
F/Ionian Sea supports Turkish F/Aegean to Greece
A/Liverpool to Yorkshire
A/Piedmont supports Turkish F/Adriatic to Venice
F/Rome holds
A/Tuscany to Venice supports Turkish F/Adriatic to Venice (bounce, 2nd part of order ignored)

:ita1: Italy: Deinodon
Italy's one single lonely unit holds.

:rus1: Russia: bbauska
F Black Sea to Bulgaria (bounce)
A Rumania supports F Black Sea to Rumania (invalid order)
A Budapest supports A Tyrolia to Trieste
A Tyrolia to Trieste
A Vienna supports A Tyrolia to Trieste
A Galicia supports A Vienna
A Munich holds
F Kiel holds
F Denmark supports F Kiel
F North Sea to London (bounce)
A Sevastapol to Armenia
A Ukraine to Sevastapol
A Norway holds

:tur1: Turkey: jediknight
F Adriatic Sea - Venice
F Aegean Sea - Greece
A Constantinople – Bulgaria (bounce)
A Serbia – Albania (bounce)

Winter 1907 Deadline: Thursday, July 2nd @ 8 a.m. EDT (12 noon GMT)

Austria: 1 SC’s / 2 units
Disband 1

France: 12 SC’s / 11 units
Build 1

Italy: 1 SC / 1 unit
No change

Russia: 14 SC’s / 13 units
Build 1

Turkey: 6 SC’s / 4 units
Build 2
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F1 Driver (Pro VI)
Posts: 7921
Joined: 08 Apr 2002, 9:45 am

Post 30 Jun 2015, 6:39 pm

Hmmm... I guess this will suffice for now.

Sorry Thomas, I missed your green dot!