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Post 20 Nov 2015, 7:32 pm

I found the results for Tempest in a Teapot on Facebook: Chris Barfield for the win!

Here's the FB page showing others on the platform as well as best countries:

Pics are always nice and I suppose the one fellow shaking hands is the tournament director. Well who the hell is the other guy photo-bombing?
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Post 08 Dec 2015, 6:35 pm

Here are the results for MidCon. I don't think Diplomacy is the focus of this con based on the light attendance in the Dip tourney.

Congratulations to Andy Harris!

At the bottom is a link to the 2015 Tour of Britain Standings.
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Post 15 Jan 2016, 8:58 pm

Demo & game near DC put together by Chris Martin...

Games Club of Maryland's Winter Game Fest
Place: Rockville, MD
Date: Saturday, January 30th @ 10 a.m.

FYI - If you attend the con on Sunday, Speed Circuit (Championship Formula Racing) will be played at 1 p.m. on the big track. This is the most popular game at Redscape right now - give it a try!
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Post 26 Jan 2016, 3:30 pm

French National Diplomacy Championships

Results at Facebook:

Side note: Speed Circuit will be played at Prezcon this year (Feb. 22-28 in Charlottesville, VA).
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Post 26 Jan 2016, 3:37 pm

Diplomacy will be at the WBC's again this year. I believe Thomas Haver is the sponsoring GM (that fellow gets around - you'll see him near the top of the French tourney above).

World Boardgaming Championships
When: August 23 - August 31
Where: Seven Springs Resort, PA

Speed Circuit to be played as well. I will be there for the first time!
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Post 26 Jan 2016, 3:53 pm

Maybe some of you are near this one?

Con of the North
When: February 12 - 14
Where: Minneapolis, MN

I see a listing for Diplomacy!
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Post 29 Jan 2016, 12:21 pm

Here's a big one coming up soon. This is a North American Grand Prix tournament run by Jim Burgess.

When: February 18-21, 2016
Where: Mansfield, MA

Steve, you going?
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Post 06 Feb 2016, 10:05 am

Diplomacy is scheduled at Lexicon. There's a micro brewery attached to the con space - I'm in awe!

When: April 22 - 24
Where: Lexington, KY
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Post 09 Feb 2016, 10:42 am

Darn, too bad I missed the one in Rockville.
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Post 20 Apr 2016, 3:00 pm

Baltimore convention! anyone coming?
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Post 06 May 2016, 11:17 am

Some upcoming Diplomacy tournaments:

Geekway to the West
When: May 20th - 21st
Where: St. Louis, MO

When: May 27th - 29th
Where: Chapel Hill, NC

Yorkshire DipCon
When: June 17th - 19th
Where: Cottingham, UK

When: June 17th - 18th
Where: Columbus, OH

World Diplomacy Championship
When: June 24th - 26th
Where: Chicago, IL

ManorCon XXXIV
When: July 15th - 17th
Where: Leicester, UK
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Post 16 May 2016, 6:00 pm

The WBC schedule has been released. One round of Diplomacy on Friday evening (July 29th) and two rounds on Saturday (July 30th).

The entire event runs from Saturday, July 23rd to the 31st. I'll be there from Tuesday on playing some favorites, old and new. Hope to see some of you there!

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Post 17 May 2016, 3:34 am

FYI - Yorkshire Dip Con has been cancelled.
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Post 17 May 2016, 6:42 am

How far into PA is the Seven Springs resort where the championship is to be held? Like, do you know how far it is to there after you cross into PA from MD, Mike?
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Post 17 May 2016, 7:50 am

Google map from my house in Ashburn, VA shows just over three hours.